Municipal Mayor
Inaugural Speech of Hon Alfredo Matugas Coro II
Mayor-elect, Del Carmen, Surigao Del Norte
June 29, 2016
Salamat Gajud Karajaw sa ijo tanan – sa pagsalig, pagsuporta, paghatag ng higayon na serbisyohan pa kamu pag utro.
I am Alfredo “Jr” Matugas Coro II, your municipal mayor for the 3rd time this coming 2016 to 2019.
- Allow me first to extend my deepest and most profound gratitude to my family, relatives and supporters:
My Family: my one and only love, my wife, Ms Lizabeth Ong-Coro, and sons, AJ and Lee, for their unconditional love to agree on the ultimate sacrifice of love: our time together, for me to serve all of you - My Parents Atty Alfredo Gonzales Coro and Engr Baby Matugas Coro for all the guidance, support and wisdom to do always what is good, what is right.
- Our grandparents, whom I know is always there to pray and intervene to ensure the success of our endeavors.
- The greatest leaders and visionaries of Siargao and Surigao, Cong Lalo Matugas, Gov Sol Matugas and Surigao City Mayor Nitoy Matugas, for their continued trust in my capability to lead
- My relatives from the bloodlines of Matugas, Coro, Gonzales, Tinio and my siblings – SB Member Marlon Coro, Tony Boy Coro and Lynlen Coro for all their support in continuing this undertaking.
- Incoming Vice Mayor Oscar Toldo and the Sanguiniang Bayan, for their cooperation and fast action to our humble projects.
- The honorable barangay captains who shared our vision, mission and action of genuine public service.
- The people and the leaders of this great municipality who gave their support and unconditional love and respect resulting into a very peaceful and credible elections.
- To all of you, our leaders, our friends, our family who gave a lot of sacrifice in the last election and served Del Carmen.
- To everyone of you, I love you all.
It has been 6 years already since I stood here for the first time and this facility was then called the Municipal Gym and now the Del Carmen Convention Center. It has been 6 years since I committed to deliver a “Bag-ong Del Carmen” to Del Carmenons. In the last 6 years we have transformed our previously unknown Municipality into a recognized national and international governance innovation champion. Currently, the Municipality of Del Carmen is a Local Governance Champion, Top 5 in Health Governance, Top 3 in Literacy Governance, Top 2 in Tourism Events, A National Champion for Climate Adaptation and Early Childhood Education.
By virtue of this oathtaking and from June 30, you have continued to place the direction of governance of our municipality in my hands. I have now the opportunity to complete the 10 year plan for Del Carmen made in 2010 with the support of President Rody Duterte, Governor Sol Matugas and Cong Bingo Matugas. I never expected to be in public service, let alone led a community of 20,000 people to have better opportunities in life but it came to me in 2009 and have not looked back since then.
In 2010 to 2013, we focused on building the governance foundation to support public service delivery for education, health, local government capacity, environmental management and tourism. From 2013 to 2016, we focused on addressing the barangay needs, strengthening the barangay services and social service programs. This 2016 to 2019, we will be focusing on Wealth Creation and sustainability of the service programs – health, tourism, education and food security.
The complete execution of the 10 year plan will continue to depend on you, the citizens of Del Carmen, as I am expecting your continuing support and cooperation by participating in all the developmental activities of our municipality. But what does wealth creation mean? It simply means every Del Carmenon will have stronger opportunity to increase their capacity to earn better income to support their families. Allow me share part of the plan that we will be executing:
1. Better Water Service Delivery as this is the very foundation of life and business.
2. Trading Infrastructures
a. New Public Market, Municipal Slaughterhouse and Public Terminal
b. Tourism Ports of Caub, Halian and MPIC
c. Remote Impact Sourcing to maximize IT talents of Del Carmen
3. Production Facilities
a. Siargao Coco Coir and Coco Hub Facilities in partnership with PCA
b. Tailoring Facilities in partnership with DTI
c. Livestock Growing for Fisherfolk Families with Heifer and SIKAT
4. Human Resource Strengthening
a. Climate Field Business School for Farmers and Fisherfolks
b. Bayay Numancia Training School for HRM and Tourism
c. I4J program to align LGU processes to meet international standards
There will be more projects and programs to lighten up the poblacion, road concreting for better transport for goods and improve barangay services.
With God’s blessings, guidance from our Lady of Mt Carmel, we will continue to execute God’s beautifully crafted plan for Del Carmen. I stand before you, humbled and excited continue the programs and address the needs of our people, of our barangays. Let us continue to be united, to be one and work hand in hand in attaining our goals of “Bag-Ong Del Carmen”. Together, let us build a community that we can all be proud of as we will be celebrating the Centennial of the Municipality of Del Carmen on October 2020.
God bless us all. Mabuhay ang Del Carmen! Mabuhay ang Del Carmenon. As we move forward, we always say Padajon Del Carmen, Padajon Siargao, Padajon Surigao!
I am Alfredo Matugas Coro II, your Mayor, Municipality of Del Carmen, Surigao Del Norte. I love you all and thank you very much.